Friday, 10 January 2020

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 29

Brianne became a child with the Erratic trait and the Grow Up aspiration. All her outfits are either pink or have pink on them.

Joslyn became a child with the Goofball trait and the Whiz Kid aspiration. All her outfits are either purple or have purple on them.

Brianne and Joslyn have the exact same hair style and outfits but in either pink or purple to match their toddler colour theme, I will give them different outfits when they become teens but keep the colours. I love these everyday outfits I've never used them before.

Bethany became a teen with the Neat trait, she gained the City Native aspiration and joined the Camp Counselor career. She aged up with that hair and I haven't used it before and the only other Sim to have short hair was Alice the Vampire Sim so I decided to keep it.

Jamie aged into a teen with the Geek trait, I gave him the Nerd Brain aspiration and he joined the Yard Worker career.

I had Brianne and Joslyn join the Drama club, Joslyn missed most of the first day so Brianne got promoted before her.

Charlotte had a baby boy who is called Daniel, I am worried that she's not going to have anymore girls and that means that Joslyn will probably be the next breeder but Charlotte has plenty more days left until she becomes an adult to have more babies.

I have also decided that because I have 7 children that I will use all of the 7 different aspirations I have for each child, the Sims really need to add more aspirations for children.

Bethany and Jamie are on B's almost A's at school so they will age up over the weekend and Brianne is on a B and Joslyn is on a C (I chose the wrong event and she lost progress) so it will be a few more days before they age up. I plan on keeping the eldest 4 as teens for a while so that when I move them out I can give them some money to be able to get a place as Charlotte only has $95k and I can't afford to give them $20k each and be able to pay bills and stuff especially as I'm finding it difficult to do paintings and writing books while looking after 7 children.

Thursday, 9 January 2020

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 28


Bethany aged into a child with the Dare Devil trait and the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration.

Jamie aged into a child with the Self-Assured trait and the Social Butterfly aspiration.

Ricky became a toddler with the Creative trait, I have given him the blue clothing theme.

Carter aged into a toddler with the Independent trait, I gave him the orange clothing theme.

While in CAS sorting out Ricky and Carter's outfits I noticed that Ricky was a Spellcaster (My first in the 100 baby challenge) I didn't think that toddlers could be Spellcasters I thought it appeared once they turned into a teen like them being Vampires.

I noticed that the twin boys look identical they literally aged up with the exact same hair which I changed in CAS. I did what I did with Brianne and Joslyn and gave them a colour theme so I can dress them the same I think that it's something I would do if I had identical twins/triplets and Charlotte was the only girl in the set of triplets so I couldn't do it with her.

When I logged off Charlotte was pregnant, has 2 children (Bethany and Jamie) and 4 toddlers (Brianne, Joslyn, Ricky and Carter), lets hope that I can cope with the 4 toddlers and none get taken away.

I decided to search for some new toddler traits and child aspirations but I couldn't find any that I didn't already have.

Baby count 28/100

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 27

At the start of playing I am gutted because my maid is now a woman as the last one died so I can't use the maid to be a baby daddy anytime soon, I might cancel the service and see if I get a male one the next time.

In the last game play we had Christmas and Charlotte became friendly with Father Winter, I didn't do any romance interactions with him as I didn't know if now he's a different person if I could use him as a baby daddy.

I am finding playing with 4 toddlers and 2 babies really hard right now all they seem to do is cry and Charlotte cannot get her needs up so I find myself sending her to the restaurant to eat so the kids go to day care and they get their needs helped out while Charlotte gets to eat it's her sleep that I'm finding the hardest to keep up and I'm having her nap on the sofa so the babies don't wake her when they wake crying.

Angel wandered off and managed to get pregnant when Charlotte was pregnant with the boys meaning there was already 8 household members (Charlotte, Bethany, Jamie, Brianne, Joslyn, Angel, (Unborn babies)). I gather that Charlotte was only pregnant with one baby at this point and then when I sold the kitten and put Angel up for adoption because I wasn't having her getting pregnant again, it must have changed and Charlotte had twins.

Brianne became a toddler with the Fussy trait.

Joslyn aged into a Charmer toddler.

Brianne and Joslyn have matching outfits but in different colours, Brianne is in pink and Joslyn is in purple.

Bethany and Jamie maxed their toddler skills just before I logged off so they will be aging up when I load the game next so I don't have to worry about them too much as they can get food from the fridge themselves and all I have to do is make sure they do their homework.

Charlotte got pregnant again with another set of twins this time both are boys called Ricky and Carter. She has managed to have 3 sets of twins with her pregnancies and I only have the lot trait on-lay-line she doesn't have the Fertility satisfaction points reward.

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 26

Charlotte got pregnant the day after giving birth to Bethany and Jamie and had twin daughters by Dallas Kibo there called Brianne and Joslyn.

Bethany aged into a toddler with the Charmer trait, she is going to have a yellow themed clothing.

Jamie became a toddler with the Inquisitive trait, he has the red theme going on.

I downloaded a mod for another save I was playing which has more events, I had a baby shower with the first set of twins but when Charlotte has had a bunch more kids they can throw a family reunion party.

Charlotte, Bethany and Jamie all celebrated Christmas together. Charlotte decorated the tree on her own as the toddlers couldn't join in.

This Winterfest's Tree

Friday, 3 January 2020

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 25

Harley and Galaxy had two sets of triplets the first set were all girls and called Annie, Bella and Cosmo the second set were 2 girls and a boy called Jake, Angel and Cinnamon. I kept Angel and put the rest up for adoption.

Charlotte got pregnant by the maid, I am so glad that I have one as I can talk to them everyday and build up that relationship.

Charlotte gave birth to twins a girl Bethany and a boy Jamie. Bethany and Jamie are due to age up on Christmas Day so I was thinking of bending the rules slightly and aging them up a few days before so that they can enjoy Christmas.

I am on 24/100.

Thursday, 2 January 2020

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 24

This is game play from December 30th and January 1st as not much happened during each day's game play.

December 30th
Harley and Galaxy aged into adults

Noah became a teenager with the Natural Cook trait and the Renowned Photographer aspiration, he joined the Barista career. I kept him in blue with the nerdy look.

Oliver aged into a teenager with the Sporty trait and the Friend of the World aspiration, he joined the Yard Worker career, I made him look sporty and kept him in green.

Charlotte aged into a teenager with the Romantic trait and the Painter Extraordinaire aspiration, she joined the Babysitter's career. I kept her in pinks and yellows and only gave her the one hairstyle as I couldn't be bothered to do one for each outfit like I normally do with the girls (I have lots of CC girls hair).

January 1st
Everyone aged up while playing today and we celebrated Thanksgiving.

Noah became a young adult with the Dance Machine trait and joined the Style Influencer career.

Oliver became a young adult with the Erratic trait and joined the Secret Agent career.

Charlotte aged into a young adult with the Outgoing trait and I put her in the Gardening career. Charlotte is now our next breeder so I will hopefully get another 20-25 babies from her before she becomes an elder and er youngest daughter becomes the next breeder.

Taylor became an Elder and I had her get married to Max Villareal, she moved into the Villareal mansion with Max, Noah, Oliver and Baby Max. I let her join a proper career and she joined the Teaching Career. I decided that because she made all the household money by writing and painting I gave her all the money except for $20,000 which would help Charlotte out while she is building up her writing, gardening and painting skills.

At the wedding I decided to invite all of Taylor's ex lovers or baby daddies (the ones who were alive or who's spirit hadn't faded away yet) as I was hoping there was going to be some drama but the wedding was uneventful.

I got Charlotte home after the wedding and Galaxy and Harley ended up getting pregnant. I plan on keeping one of the kittens and putting the others up for adoption with Harley and Galaxy.