Caitlin |
I played for what felt like hours yesterday and not much actually happened.
Samuel |
It was Winterfest and Caitlin, Samuel and Bill all got cool presents, I fogot to take pictures of Winterfest but they all had a sucessful day.
Caitlin became a teenager with the Insider trait, she got the Body Builder aspiration and she joined the tutor career.
Samuel aged into a teenager with the Unflirty trait, he got the Leader of the Pack aspiration and joined the Fast Food Employee career.
Bill bacame a teenager with the Bro trait and the Beach Life aspiration and he joined the Barista career.
Bill |
Viktor |
Whisper aged into an adult who now keeps jumping on my counters and eating off the dirty plates even though her bowl is full.
Charlotte got pregnant by her sister Rose's husband who is now a widow as Rose died a while ago.
Viktor aged into a toddler with the Wild trait.
Victoria became a toddler with the Independent trait.
Victoria |
Tomorrow the teenager will age up to young adults and I'll be able to move them out hopefully before Charlotte gives birth as right now there is only has room for one baby and when they move out there will be room for 4 more sims (Yes I know that you can only have up to triplets).