Wednesday, 28 August 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 7

I didn't play much today as I had a lot to do and I didn't feel so good.

Norman and Princeton aged up into children.

Norman grew into a Child with the Whiz Kid aspiration and Music Lover trait. I made him look like a bit of a nerd.

Princeton aged into a child with the Social Butterfly aspiration and the Child of the Ocean trait. I tried to make him look a bit like a cool kid.

Norman and Princeton both grew up with the Top-Notch Toddler trait for maxing out their toddler skills and Father Winter's Baby with them being Santa's son's.

Taylor played the lottery today but she didn't win but she did go out with Savannah to the bar for Ghost Night and she met a few ghosts who can hopefully become a baby daddy one day.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 6

While playing today Taylor was invited to Alien night at a club in Strangerville. I I don't normally go to other lots where I have to pay for items but sent her so she could meet an alien to get her pregnant at a later date and while she was there she met an alien called Jamel Hidalgo.

After meeting at the bar it took a few day's to get him in love with Taylor enough to want to Try For a Baby so I just kept calling him and inviting him over so that they could could hang out. I didn't want her to get pregnant right away as I knew that with having the Fertile trait there was a chance she could have triplets so I waited.

Savannah and Abbie aged up twice while I was playing today both times by getting A's in school.

When Savannah became a teenager she ended up with the Chief of Mischief aspiration and the Gloomy trait she got a job as a Barista.

When Abbie aged into a teenager she got the Unflirty and the Leader of the Pack aspiration and a job working as a Retail Employee.

Upon becoming a young adult Savannah gained the Hates Children trait (this is probably a good thing seeing as she has the Erratic and gloomy traits) and I gave her the Criminal Career to go with her aspiration.

When Abbie aged into a young adult she got the neat trait and because of her Leader of the Pack aspiration I put her in the Social Media career.

Once the two turned young adults I moved them into a small house in Oasis Springs because they seem to be very close.

As I played for a long time today Zayne Goth aged into a toddler, he aged up through getting to his birthday rather than me aging him up when it says it was going to be his birthday.

Zayne got the Fussy trait which is another that I haven't used in my own games before so it would be nice to see how hard it is to look after him as well as 2 other toddlers.

After I moved out Savannah and Abbie Taylor got pregnant by her alien friend Jamel and gave birth to triplets just before I logged off for the night. She had 2 boys Dorian and Silas and a girl Rachel.

Normal and Princeton worked on their skills today and are close to maxing them all out so I expect them to age up to children tomorrow when I resume playing.

Now all I have to do is have Taylor meet someone new so that she can have more babies before she becomes an adult.

Monday, 26 August 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 5

I played more of this challenge straight after I posted about what happened on Day 4 and a LOT happened. 3 lots of birthdays, 1 birth and 2 new pets and 2 sims moved out. With so much happening I don't know where to start.

*These aren't in order of how the events happened.*

Savannah and Abbie both maxed their toddler skills and I aged them up straight away as I knew Xavier and Rose were going to become young adults as they were now getting A's as teens and Normal and Princeton were due to become toddlers the next day.

Savannah became an Artistic Prodigy with the Erratic trait and Abbie became a Social Butterfly with the Insider trait upon aging to Children.

I would normally randomise the aspirations but I figured that because Xavier and Rose had the other two aspirations that I would give Savannah and Abbie the other two and would randomise for Norman and Princeton.

I've never had an Erratic or Insider sim and I don't think I will be picking them myself for a sim anytime soon as Savannah likes to talk to herself and Abbie gets mad when no one talks to her.

On Savannah and Abbie's first day at school they both came home with projects as well as Xavier and Rose so I had them all help each other to do their projects.

Norman and Princeton both aged into toddlers on their actual birthday not the day before like all the others.

Norman became an Independant toddler which I like to pick as they can go to the potty straight away and I don't have to worry about them and Princeton became a Wild toddler which will be more fun now I know what their like.

Taylor finally had Mortimer's baby and it was a boy who got named Zayne Goth.

I decided when she started to flirt with Mortimer Goth and Gunther Munch that if  I had a boy with any of these fathers I would give him his fathers surname so that the family can keep growing. Other men that I plan on doing the same with are Don Lothario and Bob Pancakes just because these people have been in the Sims since the Sims 1 as well as Hugo or Max Villareal (Their father is dead).

After Xavier and Rose got A's in school I kept sending them for about a week or two instead of aging them after getting the A's so that they brought in some money from their jobs (Rose wanted a puppy and a kitten and needed money to get these) and so they could help with the baby and toddlers if Taylor was busy cooking or helping another child.

Upon aging them Xavier gained the Foodie trait and became joined the Political career and choose to support the "NO Sims Left Behind cause".

Upon again Rose gained the Goofball trait and I put her in the Conservationist career.

I moved Xavier out first one because he was the eldest and two so I could adopt a kitten named Salem for Rose and I moved the kitten in with Xavier and then I adopted Rose a puppy named Axel and moved her out with Axel and put Salem back with her in her new house.

Now that I have two spaces in my household I think I will start wooing another guy tomorrow so that Taylor can have some more babies, I am thinking of going to Sulani and getting her friendly with a merman or getting her friendly with one of the two vampires so she can have a merbaby or a vampire baby (I know that the vampire if its a girl cannot be the next breeder but I just want a vampire, alien and merbaby to be born in the challenge somewhere).

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 4

So I was supposed to post this last night but I ended up rage quitting the game.

While playing yesterday I changed two of the trait lots so that I now have On Ley Line, Good Schools and Home Studio. I did this mainly because my garden is growing just fine and most the time I forget to tend to it so the Good Soil trait was a bit wasted and with the Fast Internet she was becoming energised while writing and the books we coming out okay but when I changed it to Home Studio  they were better quality and were getting accepted more by the freelance company.

While working on her freelance career Taylor maxed her writing skill so she can now get more money from her gigs.

Xavier and Rose were both on A's in school but I waited a few sim days so that they could get some of their aspirations completed before aging them up but I hadn't saved the game once I aged them up like I normally do before going into CAS to edit their clothes and the game crashed so I had to manually shut off my laptop and when I went back onto the household the they were still children and in school.

Due to not saving I had lost all the romance that Taylor had gotten with Mortimer Goth and it forgot the fact that she was pregnant with her 7th baby. So while Xavier and Rose were at school I baked 2 cakes and invited Mortimer around and got her pregnant with him again.

When Xavier and Rose came home from school I had them do homework as Taylor needed to do 1 more hour of helping with homework so that she completed that part of the aspiration and I got her the Fertility reward trait.

Savannah and Abbie are still toddlers with max skills in potty and communication and when they have maxed all 5 skills I will age them both up and Norman and Princeton are a few days from aging up to toddlers.

I eventually re-aged up Xavier and Rose to teen, sorted out their clothes, got them part time jobs, sorted their aspirations and traits before I logged off for the night.

Xavier is a Renaissance Sim, with the Bookworm and Genius traits and I put him in the Manual Labour career.

Rose is Friends with the Animals (Which is going to be hard to help her work on while she's at home as I'm not adding any pets to my home) and she has the Genius and Cat Lover traits and I gave her the Life Guard career.

Today I plan on getting Xavier and Rose both to A's in school and up a level or two in their career before I move them out of the main home. I want to get Savannah and Abbie's skills maxed and aged into children and getting at least a B in school and I want to get Norman and Princeton aged into toddlers and their potty skill to level 2 so they will take themselves to the potty while I find another sim to cozy up with for after the birth of the baby Taylor am currently pregnant with.

Friday, 23 August 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 3

A lot has happened while playing this challenge today.

During today's play time Taylor became romantically involved with Clement Frost and got pregnant by him and maxed her parenting skill which is great as she can do a super efficient action which I'm guessing makes her feed, change nappy or talk to the baby depending on what is low when I select it.

Xavier and Rose maxed all their toddler skill so I aged them up early to children instead of waiting for their natural birthday as I didn't want to have to deal with 4 toddlers. They aged up with the Top-Notch Toddler trait.

When Xavier was a toddler he loved to run around with no clothes on and Rose liked to sit in front of the mirror and talk to herself.

On aging up Xavier became a Rambunctious Scamp (Motor Aspiration) with the Bookworm trait and Rose became a Whiz Kid (Mental Aspiration) with the Genius trait.

Savannah and Abbie are now toddlers. Savannah has the Charmer trait and Abbie has the Angelic trait and they are working on their skills. These two also like to interact with each other but because I had enough money I got them both an iPad, they like to sit next to each other playing on them while babbling to each other which is freaking adorable.

Taylor and Clement had twin boys who are named Normal and Princeton and although she is starting to cozy up to Mortimer I am thinking of waiting until Xavier and Rose become teens, Savannah and Abbie become children and the boys become toddlers before I get her pregnant again as its hard on Taylor right now trying to keep the 4 eldest in line and keeping the babies happy.

The hardest thing I am finding about having 2 children and 2 toddlers is keeping them all happy and stopping the toddlers from waking their siblings up when they have a bad dream.

I have noticed that I cannot queue up interaction with the toddlers if they are eating as they stop eating and go and do whatever the interaction is so unlike I can with the children.

With having the super efficient option on the babies I use that each time they cry and I have the children come home from school and do their homework, have food and then just leave them to kinda look after themselves so that I can focus on getting the toddler skills up, romancing Mortimer and doing a few freelance gigs.

*I won't be playing tomorrow as I will be out but I will be back to this challenge on the 25th*

Thursday, 22 August 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 2

Well today Taylor and Martin became proud parents of twins, they have a son called Xavier and a daughter called Rose.

I played for so long that while Taylor was working on the next father to be the twins ages up into toddlers. Xavier became a wild toddler while Rose became a silly toddler

I have never played with toddlers who have the wild or silly traits so this should be fun.

Xavier likes to run around with no clothes on and Rose likes to talk to herself in the mirror.

The best thing about having twins is that they like to talk to each other and play with the doll house together which helps their attention go up so while they are happily playing with each other or talking to each other I had Taylor do some freelance work and do some flirting with the next father to be.

Taylor managed to snag the guy and get pregnant again. Taylor and the new father Yoogi Min had twin girls together Savannah and Abbie.

I found it quite hard to look after 2 toddlers and 2 babies while trying to keep Taylor's needs up and have her working that I have just stopped taking some gigs.

I managed to send my sim to the park in a happy mood where she became friendly with a few sims including Clement Frost and Mortimer Goth.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 1

This is Taylor Ziegler, she is my Young Adult sim who will be starting us off on our 100 Baby Challenge journey.

Taylor's aspiration its to be a Super Parent, her traits are Family Oriented, Creative and Bookworm.

Taylor Lives in Newcrest on the 30x30 lot in a house that I made. I gave the house these lot traits On Ley Line, Fast Internet and Great Soil. (You can download the lot from my gallery its called Aurora Manor, it has a few CC's in it, You may notice the lot traits are different in the picture than I listed that is because when I moved in I changed them but I plan on changing them again when she's had her 5th baby (that's a rule)).

With me moving onto Newcrest, I added some houses around the neighbourhood, a park and I've downloaded some households from the gallery. (I know this is against the rules but due to it being an empty neighbourhood I thought it was okay.)

Another rule also states that you cannot expand your house but you can move around to different houses as long as you can afford to move into it but I have adapted this rule so that I can expand my house but its the house that each breeder will live in until they are Elders.

The rules also state that you cannot get a wormhole job, so Taylor has taken up freelance writing.

I have decided that I am going to pick a number or get someone to pick a number for me and press the randomise dice that many times to name my Sims, give them their traits and aspirations.


During my first day playing this challenge she got all cosy with a Sim named Martin Archer (I think he was a gallery Sim) and she got pregnant by him and their is a little buff that says "On Ley Line (from lot trait)" so I am thinking that she maybe having twins.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

New Challenge

Well I'm getting a little bored of the Rags to Riches Challenge now she has a house and is kinda living happily so I have decided that I am going to give the 100 babies Challenge ago, my sister is also going to give this challenge ago with me the only difference is I have all the expansions and games packs and CC's and she has the base game and parenthood and no CC's.

I will post a picture of my breeding Sim Taylor tomorrow.

We are following the 100 Baby Challenge rules that are posted here


The Sims 4 - Rags to Riches Challenge: Day 5

All my hard work foraging, fishing, gardening and painting has paid off. I was able to build a house.

I played for longer today so I played for more sim days than I normally do which meant I was able to earn a lot more money to be able to buy more things.

I used the computer at the library to order myself 2 of each seed pack and planted them in by back garden then sold the leftover flowers and put the fruit and vegetables in my fridge to make cooking certain items cheaper.

With my sim being able to sleep, shower, use a toilet and cook proper meals she was maxed needs most of the time and because her gardening skill increased she spent time talking to her plants so that her social skill went up.

I bought her a flower Arranging table before I logged off so that she could use her flowers to make arrangements and then sell them at her yard sales or just sell them if I needed the money to pay bills.

My house has a 3x3 size bathroom with a shower, toilet and sink, then she has a 4x3 size bed room with the second best bed, then the whole front on the house is a kitchen living room in one where there's her cooker, fridge, counter, easel and a cheap sofa.

The bathroom and bedroom walls have been decorated and the out side of the house has been decorated, I debated on wallpapering the inside of buying windows so I didn't have to buy lights and I went with the windows.

I'm going to take some time away from this challenge and do something else for a few days but I do intend to continue the challenge and get her a mansion.

Day 5 Recap:
Harvested fruits, vegetables and flowers
Bought lot, sofa, flower arranging table, new bed
Gardening Skill 6
Fishing Skill 6
Painting Skill 6
Flower Arranging Skill 1
Had 0 fires
Money $5013

Sims 4 - Realm of Magic

Image result for sims 4 realm of magic

So EA announced today that their next game pack will be The Sims 4: Realm of Magic. I am looking forward to this and the trailer looks really cool. The game is being released September 10th, luckily I will have a whole month to play before college starts.

The game pack is adding a new neighbourhood called Glimmerbrook which has a wooded area with mysterious pathways which means it is another secret place like in Oasis Springs and Willow Creek that when you go through the portal will take you to a place where you can learn magic.

There will be spellcasters in this new place who can teach you spells and you can do experiments on cauldrons and collect elements to make potions.

We will of course be getting some new clothes which will come in handy for those of us who have seasons and want to go trick or treating.

I can't wait to introduce magic into my up and coming legacy family who you can read about them in a few days.

Monday, 19 August 2019

The Sims 4 - Rags to Riches Challenge: Day 4

Day 4 was pretty much like day 3 she foraged, gardened, painted and did 3 yard sales.

I had my first lot of bills which were $40 which wasn't too bad and meant that I could build a 3x3 room attached to my lot so I could put in the shower and toilet.

From my foraging and painting I was also able to buy the cheapest fridge, counter and cooker and sell my fire pit and chair.

I'm not gonna lie but now she is happy most of the time I am getting a little bored and I am probably going to play something else for a few days.

Day 4 Recap:
Harvested fruits, vegetables and flowers
Bought lot, fridge, cooker and counter
Paid my bills ontime
Gardening Skill 5
Fishing Skill 5
Painting Skill 4
Had 0 fires
Money $2179

Sunday, 18 August 2019

The Sims 4 - Rags to Riches Challenge: Day 3

Whooo I have 4 walls

Today has been a good day I did the usual foraging route once she woke up and then I gardened and did a yard sale where she sold almost everything and I had enough money after selling all the flowers, fruit and vegetables and fish in my inventory, the bush and a couple of paintings to build a 4x5 size room with a door and put in the cheapest bed, shower and toilet.

After I built the house and gave her a shower she mainly fished and painted, she is happy most of the time but her fun and social needs are often low.

Day 3 Recap:
Harvested fruits, vegetables and flowers
Bought lot, bed, shower and toilet
Gardening Skill 4
Fishing Skill 4
Painting Skill 3
Had 0 fires
Money $2319

Saturday, 17 August 2019

The Sims 4 - Rags to Riches Challenge: Day 2

Today has been a slight improvement but still hard, she did her daily lap of the neighbourhood foraging and got a few items to sell on the stall but I had trouble with keeping her fun and social up.

She was able to eat the fish she fished up and the mushrooms and strawberries in her inventory to keep her hunger up and she used the bush for the toilet but she crashed and burned a few times from exhaustion until I took her to the park so she could sleep on the bench.

With the money I made from the yard sales and selling the flowers I bought her an easel, I know I should have bought her a bed first but I thought an easel would be better seeing as she can make money painting which she seems to enjoy due to her being a creative sim.

Day 2 Recap:
Harvested fruits, vegetables and flowers
Bought an easel
Gardening Skill 3
Fishing Skill 3
Painting Skill 1
Had 1 fire
Money $507

Friday, 16 August 2019

The Sims 4 - Rags to Riches Challenge: Day 1

This is Kaley Gruber (I randomised the name), she has CC hair and clothes.

Her aspiration is: Mansion Baron (Was Big Happy Family to start with)
Her Traits are: Foodie, Outgoing and Creative.

I moved her into Willow Creek onto the Daisy Hovel lot and bulldozed the house and then took away all her money and changed her aspiration.

Playing with zero money and no house has been a challenge to say the least, she spent most of her time at the park so she could use the toilets, nap on the bench, eat hot dogs made by a random sim and rummage through the bins.

I managed to harvest some Bluebells, Snapdragons and Roses as well as Strawberries and Mushrooms and when I took her home I planted two rose buses and one of the others and sold the rest of the flowers so that I could buy the bush for her to sleep in and use as a toilet.

The next morning I foraged around the neighbourhood and got more food to eat and flowers to sell as well as some frogs, fossils and time capsules. I breed the frogs and then sold the one I had made as it was a duplicate and I sold the fossils and the MySims Trophies from the time capsules and got enough money to buy a "Come and Get it Street Store" which I then used to sell more items over the next few sim days so I could get a fire pit and chair and put my fishing skill to use.

Day 1 Recap:
Harvested fruits, vegetables and flowers
Baught a fire pit, chair, bush and yard sale table
Gardening Skill 2
Fishing Skill 2
Had two fires
Money $72

Monday, 12 August 2019

Back From My Break

So I haven't posted anything on here for a long time due to personal reasons and college but since I have been gone I have played a lot of the Sims 4 for more of an escape from everything than anything

I am now back with all the expansion packs, games packs and all but 4 stuff packs and a brand new laptop so I have no lagging issues.

I haven't really played a family properly since getting back into the game, I've made some families and played for a few hours and the next day made a brand new family and started again although I did play one Sim and manage to get to the top of the Doctor Career.

I have been reading through some challenges on the Sims 4 forum and bookmarked the ones that I want to give a go so I can print off the rules when I go back to college next month but after watching Clare Siobhan's Dream House series I have decided that I am going to give the Rags to Riches Challenge ago first.

One thing I have learned from watching Clare's Dream House series is how to download mods so I have a lot of CC clothing and clutter for around the house, I don't download trait/aspiration mods as the ones in game are good enough for me but I do have the MCC mod.

So tomorrow I am going to make my Sim for my Rags to Riches challenge and I will post a picture of her and then I will post updates on her progress.