Friday, 23 August 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 3

A lot has happened while playing this challenge today.

During today's play time Taylor became romantically involved with Clement Frost and got pregnant by him and maxed her parenting skill which is great as she can do a super efficient action which I'm guessing makes her feed, change nappy or talk to the baby depending on what is low when I select it.

Xavier and Rose maxed all their toddler skill so I aged them up early to children instead of waiting for their natural birthday as I didn't want to have to deal with 4 toddlers. They aged up with the Top-Notch Toddler trait.

When Xavier was a toddler he loved to run around with no clothes on and Rose liked to sit in front of the mirror and talk to herself.

On aging up Xavier became a Rambunctious Scamp (Motor Aspiration) with the Bookworm trait and Rose became a Whiz Kid (Mental Aspiration) with the Genius trait.

Savannah and Abbie are now toddlers. Savannah has the Charmer trait and Abbie has the Angelic trait and they are working on their skills. These two also like to interact with each other but because I had enough money I got them both an iPad, they like to sit next to each other playing on them while babbling to each other which is freaking adorable.

Taylor and Clement had twin boys who are named Normal and Princeton and although she is starting to cozy up to Mortimer I am thinking of waiting until Xavier and Rose become teens, Savannah and Abbie become children and the boys become toddlers before I get her pregnant again as its hard on Taylor right now trying to keep the 4 eldest in line and keeping the babies happy.

The hardest thing I am finding about having 2 children and 2 toddlers is keeping them all happy and stopping the toddlers from waking their siblings up when they have a bad dream.

I have noticed that I cannot queue up interaction with the toddlers if they are eating as they stop eating and go and do whatever the interaction is so unlike I can with the children.

With having the super efficient option on the babies I use that each time they cry and I have the children come home from school and do their homework, have food and then just leave them to kinda look after themselves so that I can focus on getting the toddler skills up, romancing Mortimer and doing a few freelance gigs.

*I won't be playing tomorrow as I will be out but I will be back to this challenge on the 25th*

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