Tuesday, 26 May 2020

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 38

With being in lockdown I've had more time to play the sims so a LOT happened during yesterdays gameplay.

Reuben aged into a teenager with the Neat trait (yey someone who will finally put the dishes away instead of leaving them on the table and floors) He got the Big Happy Family aspiration and joined the Babysitter career.

Lloyd aged into a teenager with the Cheerful trait and the StrangerVille Mystery aspiration and he joined the Lifeguard career.

Tammy became a teenager with the Evil trait and the Outdoor Enthuisast aspiration and she joined the Manual Labor career.

Jonas became a teenager with the Child of the Ocean trait and the Vampire Family aspiration and joined the Fast Food Employee Career.

I'm going to make a vampire family so when Jonas becomes a young adult I can get him with the girl so he can do some of his aspiration.

I turned Lloyd into a Plant Sim just because I never had one before, I would have taken a picture but when your in CAS he shows up as a normal sim not a Plant Sim.

Reuben aged into a young adult with the Geek trait and he joined the Astronaut career.

Lloyd became a young adult with the Kleptomaniac trait and he joined the Military career.

I moved Reuben and Lloyd to StrangerVille

I decided to download some vampires from the gallery and I moved them into a house in Forgotten Hollow, I had Jonas get super friendly with one of them and asked them to turn him.

Tammy aged into a young adult with the Self-Assured trait and joined the Tech Guru career and I moved her into her fathers house.

Jonas aged into a young adult with the Creative trait and joined the Style Influencer career and he moved into the house with the new vampire family.

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