Wednesday, 25 September 2019
A New 100 Babies Challenge Idea
So I stopped playing the 100 babies challenge for a few days as I was getting a little bored of the same family so I just played a random family on a new save.
This morning I decided that once I have finished this 100 babies challenge I will do it again but with a male Sim and get him to have 100 babies with different female Sims.
I read about using a male sim instead online somewhere a while back and thought it would be fun but decided I wasn't going to try it but after playing with a female and having to look after the babies through to young adult I thought that doing it with the male Sim would be a lot easier as he wouldn't have to look after the babies.
Sunday, 22 September 2019
The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 13
Edward became a Young Adult with the Romantic trait and he joined the Criminal career, I moved him into Norman's apartment.
Alice became a Young Adult with the Light Eater trait and she joined the Tarot Reader career, I moved her into her fathers house in Forgotten Hollow.
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Halle |
Halle aged into a Charmer toddler.
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Kimberley |
Taylor gave birth to twins on Christmas Eve, she had a girl Liliana and a boy Rhys (When I randomised it, it was Reece but I changed it to the Welsh way of spelling it).
We finally celebrated Christmas, I did invite all Taylor's children, their partners and her grandchildren but I forgot to take a picture while they were opening gifts so after they all left I took this picture of Taylor, Sabrina, Halle, Kimberley and Dobby. It took me ages to get them all to stand next to the tree, facing the right way and in the end I just took this picture with Taylor facing the wrong way.
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Left to right: Kimberley, Halle, Dobby, Sabrina and Taylor |
Friday, 20 September 2019
The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge
So yesterday my laptop did an update and took almost 3 hours, it came back on long enough to post the yesterdays blog post before I had to go to the doctor's and then I went for a walk to play some Pokemon Go. When I got back from the doctor's and my walk I made something to eat and downloaded some pixie cut hairstyles for Alice before loading the game.
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Alice |
All I've did yesterday was put this hairstyle on Alice and give Taylor some medicine before I saved and exited because I just couldn't be bothered to play anything.
I am off now to play some as I have no college today and hopefully I can finally celebrate my first Christmas in the sims (I almost always start my season in Spring and hardly ever make it to the end of Summer before deleting the family)
Thursday, 19 September 2019
The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 12
During yesterdays game play we had a lot of birthdays.
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Edward |
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Alice |
Alice aged up into a child with the Natural Gamer trait and the Artistic Prodigy aspiration. I kept the short pixie type haircut.
It was 'Night on the Town' day so while Edward and Alice were at school I sent Taylor off of a meal with some of her kids.
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Sabrina |
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Edward |
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Alice |
but I'm thinking of changing it back to the pixie cut style. Alice had this outfit when she aged up and like with Sabrina I kept it but just changed the shoes as I actually liked it.
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Sabrina |
Sabrina became a child with the Kleptomaniac trait and the Social Butterfly aspiration.
Christmas is coming up in my game which means I will probably be celebrating it in today's game play. I plan on inviting all my children and their partners and kids around to celebrate, so I will try and remember to take some picture's of my family celebrating Christmas.
I've been trying for aged to get Taylor pregnant by Patchy the Scarecrow, their friendly and romance bars are maxed, I've only been able to 'WooHoo' with him and not 'Try for a Baby' so I googled 'Can you have a baby with Patchy?' the results told me that I had to add him to the family which was something I had planned to do once Sabrina aged into a toddler maybe a child but one night Patchy came to life and Taylor and him WooHoo'd and she got pregnant by him, this pregnancy ended up being with twin girls who are called Halle and Kimberley. These two babies are going to miss out on Christmas Day but will be around to celebrate New Year with the family.
I'm off to celebrate Christmas with my sims and because I don't have to go college tomorrow (my tutor is sick) I can stay up later than I normally would on a Thursday and hopefully I can get threw the twin babies birthday and New Year.
Wednesday, 18 September 2019
The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 11
During day 11 of playing this challenge Taylor gave birth to almost as soon as I entered the game I entered the game at around 1am and a few sim hours later she gave birth to a baby girl who was named Sabrina. I am secretly really happy that it was a girl as although I love the colour purple I didn't want Rachel being the next breeder because of her purple skin tone.
Rachel aged into a Young Adult, she lost her Popular trait (must be a child specific one) but she gained the Bro and Unforgettable traits and I had her join the Mage career.
Darion aged into a Young Adult, he gained the Ugly trait and joined the Business career.
Silas aged into a Young Adult with the Paranoid trait and I put him in the Military career which I think both are fitting for him moving to StrangerVille with his siblings and the fact he has the StrangerVille aspiration.
Taylor finally became an Adult which means she can still have a few babies meaning that Sabrina may not be the next breeder unless all her next lot of children are boys.
I removed Edwards Sleeper trait to Inquisitive because all he did all day was sleep and he was beginning to drive me insane, more insane that having twin teens, a child and triplet babies all in the house at the same time. I gave him the new trait because I don't think any of my other sims have had it yet.
While checking my family tree (I needed to rewrite the fathers names down as I lost the paper it was on) I noticed more of my sims have had babies (I never checked for partners I just opened it and took a screenshot). Rose and Eric have had a son named Dion and Zayne and Evie have had twins a boy Finnegan and a girl Tammy. (the Goth name will live on)
Taylor celebrated Harvestfest with the twins and Sabrina, she angered one of the gnomes and when she tried to apologise it mustn't have liked it and she was hit by lightning or electrocuted or something, she's safe don't worry.
As there are no event pictures (from sims aging up) I've included the Zeigler Family Tree. So far Taylor has 7 son's, 6 daughters, 2 granddaughters and 2 grandsons.
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Zeigler Family Tree |
I hope those of you who are doing the challenge or have completed this challenge are having fun or had fun. if you can give me any advice on how to cope with multiple sims of various ages please leave a comment.
Now I am off to play some sims so...
Tuesday, 17 September 2019
The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 10
* I have decided that I am going to do my posts the morning after my gameplay as most of the time I play until late and then I don't have time to post anything and I just backdate it the next day when I post it.
While playing Zayne made friends with someone called Evie Delgato while at school (he was on an A so I let him do the meet friends option) so when he becomes a Young Adult I planned on aging her up too so that I can move them to Willow Creek and put them into a house near the Goth's instead of moving just Zayne into the Goth Household. He became really friendly with her while at school and when I invited her on a date and things blossomed from there.
Edward aged into a toddler with the Sleeper trait (Great just what I need, a toddler who sleeps all the time lol). He also aged up with white Vampire skin but he wasn't a Vampire so I gave him the same skin as Taylor.
Alice aged into a Creative toddler (She seems to learn her skills a lot faster than Edward). She aged into a toddler with the same skin tone as Taylor but she is a Vampire so I gave her the Vampire skin tone that Edward aged up with). I gave Alice red Vampire eyes as I wanted her to stand out and a Pixie type hair cut just like Alice from the Twilight books/films.
Zayne aged up into a Young Adult with the Sporty trait so I put him in the Athletic career. I aged Evie up also just so that she can live with and marry Zayne.
Zayne proposed to Evie while they were teens, she turned him down but when he aged up into a Young Adult he asked her again and they ended up eloping and I moved them both into a house in Willow Creek.
So I invited around Rose, her husband Eric and daughter Makenna for a play date with the twins (I really had to edit Makenna she had this horrible blond hair it was the main reason I invited them over) I gave Makenna a whole new look but I kept her given traits and aspirations, she really is a cute toddler, I'm hoping that Taylor's other off springs settle down and have children too.
Taylor got pregnant by Bob Pancakes they 'Tried for a Baby' at Bob's house while his wife was home which ended up in Bob and Elisa splitting up lol. This makes Taylor pregnant with her 13th baby. (I know that its only one baby as there is only 1 slot left in the household) I was going to wait until the triplets aged into Young Adults and i'd moved out the boys so I have more chance of the birth being multiple and a baby being girl being born.
The triplets aged up all still with purple skin and I want to keep the purple skin I just wanted to tone it down a little but I couldn't figure out how. (If anyone know's please leave a comment)
Rachel aged into a teenager, I gave her the Purveyor of Potions aspiration, she gained the Fun Loving trait and joined the Camp Counsellor career.
Darion aged into a teenager, I gave him the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration, he gained the Mischievous trait and I put him in the Grocery Store Bagger career.
Silas aged into a teenager, I gave him the StrangerVille Mystery aspiration, he got the Bright Smile trait and joined the Movie Theatre Career.
At the moment Alice (Baby 12) is my youngest daughter and according to the rules the youngest daughter becomes the next breeder unless the youngest child is a Vampire as they are immortal which will make Rachel the next breeder, I am hoping the new baby is a girl that way I can move the triplets out together into StrangerVille as I haven't moved anyone there yet.
While playing Zayne made friends with someone called Evie Delgato while at school (he was on an A so I let him do the meet friends option) so when he becomes a Young Adult I planned on aging her up too so that I can move them to Willow Creek and put them into a house near the Goth's instead of moving just Zayne into the Goth Household. He became really friendly with her while at school and when I invited her on a date and things blossomed from there.
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Edward |
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Alice |
Alice aged into a Creative toddler (She seems to learn her skills a lot faster than Edward). She aged into a toddler with the same skin tone as Taylor but she is a Vampire so I gave her the Vampire skin tone that Edward aged up with). I gave Alice red Vampire eyes as I wanted her to stand out and a Pixie type hair cut just like Alice from the Twilight books/films.
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Rose, Eric and Makenna |
Zayne proposed to Evie while they were teens, she turned him down but when he aged up into a Young Adult he asked her again and they ended up eloping and I moved them both into a house in Willow Creek.
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Makenna |
Taylor got pregnant by Bob Pancakes they 'Tried for a Baby' at Bob's house while his wife was home which ended up in Bob and Elisa splitting up lol. This makes Taylor pregnant with her 13th baby. (I know that its only one baby as there is only 1 slot left in the household) I was going to wait until the triplets aged into Young Adults and i'd moved out the boys so I have more chance of the birth being multiple and a baby being girl being born.
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Rachel |
Rachel aged into a teenager, I gave her the Purveyor of Potions aspiration, she gained the Fun Loving trait and joined the Camp Counsellor career.
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Darion |
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Silas |
At the moment Alice (Baby 12) is my youngest daughter and according to the rules the youngest daughter becomes the next breeder unless the youngest child is a Vampire as they are immortal which will make Rachel the next breeder, I am hoping the new baby is a girl that way I can move the triplets out together into StrangerVille as I haven't moved anyone there yet.
Sunday, 15 September 2019
The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 9
* I have added mods such as Slice of Life, Explorer, Realistic Cheating and Life Drama just to spice up my other saves but obviously these mods will effect my 100 babies challenge too.
** I've added CC careers, traits and aspirations to my game just so that there are more variety and my toddlers aren't always getting the same traits and the children aren't always getting the same traits and aspirations. I added careers so that there are more options for teens.
So its been a while since I played the sims (mainly because my course materials came for my University course and I've been reading through them just to get a head a bit) I was also waiting for the new pack to come out Realm of Magic but I only bought it 2 days ago and have played it once.
So in today's game play Zayne aged into a teenager with the Childish trait and the Shielded aspiration and he joined the Newspaper Deliverer Career.
When I was looking at my family tree so I could note the names of the dads and see how many babies I had I noticed that Rose had gotten married and had a daughter who the game had named Makenna. So I have a Son-in-Law Eric and a Grand-Daughter. Rose's daughter need editing in CAS to make them look better but because I don't play the family I have just left them for now.
Taylor finally gave birth to Vampire twins Edward and Alice (yes I named these after characters from Twilight I was going to call the boy Jasper but I just thought that that was weird with Jasper and Alice being a couple in the books).
The triplets maxed their skills so they all aged up while playing. For some reason they all have purple skin still but are not aliens, I think that this is due to their father's alien form being purple.
Rachel the who is the eldest aged into a child, I gave her the Grow Up aspiration and she gained the Popular trait. Although she is the eldest of the three she maxed her skills last. I gave her this nice new dress that I found while CC shopping as I thought it was cute.
Darion the middle one became a child with the Naturally Thin trait and I gave him the Class Clown aspiration. Darion was the first to max his skills.
And the youngest of the triplets Silas became a child with the First Love aspiration and the Imaginative trait. Silas although the youngest he maxed his toddler skills second.
After the twins were born there were 7 sims in the household and I know that there can be 8 but I wanted to give Taylor a break from getting pregnant so until the twins aged into toddlers I decided to adopt a dog to make it a full household, this now ensures that Taylor cannot get pregnant again just yet and when the twins age into toddlers I will age Zayne up and move him into the Goth household to be with his Siblings Cassandra, Alexander and Suzanna (Yes Bella and Mortimer had another baby before he died) and his Step-Mum Bella and then I will get Taylor pregnant again and she will only be able to have 1 baby which I think is okay seeing as she will have the triplets and the Vampire twins and a dog to look after too.
I adopted the dog as a puppy he is named Dobby (yes I named him after Dobby from Harry Potter) he is a Siberian Husky and super cute. Zayne takes care of him mostly, taking him for a walk and stuff but he's just a pet for the household.
When I logged off Zayne was ready to age up into a Young Adult but I have decided to leave him as a teen for a while so that he can bring in some money and help me out with all the kids and Dobby.
** I've added CC careers, traits and aspirations to my game just so that there are more variety and my toddlers aren't always getting the same traits and the children aren't always getting the same traits and aspirations. I added careers so that there are more options for teens.
So its been a while since I played the sims (mainly because my course materials came for my University course and I've been reading through them just to get a head a bit) I was also waiting for the new pack to come out Realm of Magic but I only bought it 2 days ago and have played it once.
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Zayne |
So in today's game play Zayne aged into a teenager with the Childish trait and the Shielded aspiration and he joined the Newspaper Deliverer Career.
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Makenna |
Taylor finally gave birth to Vampire twins Edward and Alice (yes I named these after characters from Twilight I was going to call the boy Jasper but I just thought that that was weird with Jasper and Alice being a couple in the books).
The triplets maxed their skills so they all aged up while playing. For some reason they all have purple skin still but are not aliens, I think that this is due to their father's alien form being purple.
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Rachel |
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Darion |
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Silas |
After the twins were born there were 7 sims in the household and I know that there can be 8 but I wanted to give Taylor a break from getting pregnant so until the twins aged into toddlers I decided to adopt a dog to make it a full household, this now ensures that Taylor cannot get pregnant again just yet and when the twins age into toddlers I will age Zayne up and move him into the Goth household to be with his Siblings Cassandra, Alexander and Suzanna (Yes Bella and Mortimer had another baby before he died) and his Step-Mum Bella and then I will get Taylor pregnant again and she will only be able to have 1 baby which I think is okay seeing as she will have the triplets and the Vampire twins and a dog to look after too.
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Dobby the House Dog |
I adopted the dog as a puppy he is named Dobby (yes I named him after Dobby from Harry Potter) he is a Siberian Husky and super cute. Zayne takes care of him mostly, taking him for a walk and stuff but he's just a pet for the household.
When I logged off Zayne was ready to age up into a Young Adult but I have decided to leave him as a teen for a while so that he can bring in some money and help me out with all the kids and Dobby.
Tuesday, 10 September 2019
The Sims 4 - Realm of Magic
Today the Sims 4 Realm of Magic game pack is released so I decided that I was going to play with a witch instead of my challenges just to see what the game is like and because as from tomorrow my University course information gets published and I will have to sort out my time table and work playing the Sims around my course.
With only having one day to play I thought I would spend it playing something new so that I could see what it was about before I had to play on limited time.
I hope that you all enjoy the new game and I hope that it's as good as the Supernatural pack for the Sims 1, 2 and 3 were.
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
New Mods
Today I searched Google for a mod so I could invite as many sims to a club as I wanted so that I could put all of my 100 babies challenge family into one group and it came up with a Mod and some YouTube videos so I have spent the day watching Plumbelle and Fantayzia's youtube video's mainly their must have Mods and downloading some of the Mods (the ones I thought would be fun when I'm playing a family not on my challenges)
I ended up downloading some new Careers, Traits, Aspirations, Events and Game Play Mods.
I downloaded a Trait Mod so that I can make a Graveyard for when my 100 babies start dying, I just need to create a lot on the neighbourhood so that I can place the tombstones when someone dies.
I also got a few traits for children to elders because I was fed up of having the same ones these traits included one for a toddler (I am searching for more for toddlers).
I downloaded new aspirations for toddlers, children and teens to elders I mainly wanted the toddler ones because doing the 100 babies challenge there was only 4 to choose from and so far she has had 10 babies. I got a Bee Keeping Aspiration, First Love Aspiration, Grow Up Aspiration (this one is based off of a Sims 2 aspiration) and Retirement Aspiration amongst others.
Some events mods that I downloaded include Baby Shower, Spa Day, Funeral, Bachelor Party, Prom and Family Reunion (I did get many more).
I got some new teen specific careers, Social Media, Camp Counsellor, Dog Walker, Tutor and a few others plus a mod so that my sims can have multiple careers which will come in handy for when I want to try some of these new careers that I downloaded such as Interior Designer and Ultimate Graphic Designer.
The mods I downloaded that will affect game play are mods such as Slice of Life, Pre School, The Explore Mod, Ultra Sound Scan, Meaningful Stories and Simda Dating App. I won't be adding these to the game until I have completed my 100 babies challenge though.
If you have some toddler traits or children traits and aspirations mods please leave a link below so that I can add them to my game.
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 8
I played for around 6 1/2 hours today so quite a lot happened while I was playing.
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Norman |
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Princeton |
When I had sims before I never noticed that they gained satisfaction points while toddlers and children until Norman and Princeton aged up, they both had around 1800 points so I got them both the Acclimated to Heat and Cold and then I got Norman the Waterproof trait and Princeton the Mermaid Kelp which he ate and then the whole family (Taylor and all the children) except the triplets went to the beach for a swim and Princeton turned into a Merman with a golden tale.
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Rachel |
Rachel became an Angelic toddler which is nice because she doesn't go around making a mess on the floor, she is happy to sit with the nesting blocks, iPad or a toy from the toy box.
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Darion |
Darion became and Independent toddler which I was also happy about as this meant that I didn't have to worry about trying to potty train 3 toddlers as he can go by himself. He also likes to play with the toys in the toy box and the nesting blocks.
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Silas |
I am not sure if their purple skin is due to their dad's alien form being purple or if its because they are going to be aliens when they age up.
Taylor kept flirting and chatting with the scarecrow and got really high stats with him but he would only woohoo with her and they couldn't try for a baby but she was also chatting and flirting with Vladislaus Straud for a few days having him over or going to his place and they were able to try for a baby I am just waiting to find out if she is pregnant or not, I know that these babies will count towards the challenge but if its a girl then I cannot continue the challenge with her I will have to use Rachel (she is the youngest daughter right now).
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Zayne |
Mortimer Goth died :'( while playing and this made Zayne really sad for a few days but he managed to max his skills like all his older siblings have done so far and get the Top-Notch toddler trait, he also gained the Perfectionist trait and I gave him the Social Butterfly aspiration.
Norman and Princeton became young adults but they stayed in the house for a while while I had 4 toddlers to help out because it was difficult to try and potty train and cook meals for them all while doing some freelancing work.
Norman got the Glutton trait and because he played the violin a lot as a child and a teenager and hed the Musical Genius aspiration I put him into the Entertainer career and when I moved him out I moved him to San Myshuno.
Princeton got the Vegetarian trait, I kept him in the Life Guard career and I moved him into a lot on Sulani.
Taylor is almost ready to turn into an adult and Zayne is on a B so will be able to age up to a teen soon.
Sunday, 1 September 2019
I haven't played the Sims in a few days because I got bored and I am probably not going to play again until Realm of Magic come out as I am seriously behind on my reading and book reviews.
I hope everyone is enjoying the last few days of their summer holidays before school, college or uni starts.
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