Thursday, 19 September 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 12

During yesterdays game play we had a lot of birthdays.

Edward aged up into a child with the Uncreative trait and the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration. I gave him a hair cut from the Vampire pack.

Alice aged up into a child with the Natural Gamer trait and the Artistic Prodigy aspiration. I kept the short pixie type haircut.

It was 'Night on the Town' day so while Edward and Alice were at school I sent Taylor off of a meal with some of her kids.

Sabrina aged into an Independent toddler. I thought that this hairstyle was cute and suited her and I hadn't used it on any of my sims ever before. Sabrina also aged up in this outfit and I liked it so I left her in it but changed her shoes.

Edward became a teen with the Tone Deaf trait, and Chief of Mischief aspiration and joined the Bookstore Clerk career. I kept him with the Vampire pack hairstyle.

Alice became a teen with the Foodie trait (slightly weird for a Vampire) and I gave her the Vampire Family aspiration with her being a full on wants to drink your blood Vampire now and she joined the Mausoleum Clerk career (I thought it was fitting). I gave her a Vampire pack hairstyle
but I'm thinking of changing it back to the pixie cut style. Alice had this outfit when she aged up and like with Sabrina I kept it but just changed the shoes as I actually liked it.

I am finding it hard to keep Alice's thirst up as its Winter and I can't seem to find any frogs to make plasma packs and I don't want her to bite her siblings or mother, I did have her bite Patchy once and the maid but the maid is useless so if he turns he kinda deserved it lol.

Sabrina became a child with the Kleptomaniac trait and the Social Butterfly aspiration.

Christmas is coming up in my game which means I will probably be celebrating it in today's game play. I plan on inviting all my children and their partners and kids around to celebrate,  so I will try and remember to take some picture's of my family celebrating Christmas.

I've been trying for aged to get Taylor pregnant by Patchy the Scarecrow, their friendly and romance bars are maxed, I've only been able to 'WooHoo' with him and not 'Try for a Baby' so I googled 'Can you have a baby with Patchy?' the results told me that I had to add him to the family which was something I had planned to do once Sabrina aged into a toddler maybe a child but one night Patchy came to life and Taylor and him WooHoo'd and she got pregnant by him, this pregnancy ended up being with twin girls who are called Halle and Kimberley. These two babies are going to miss out on Christmas Day but will be around to celebrate New Year with the family.

I'm off to celebrate Christmas with my sims and because I don't have to go college tomorrow (my tutor is sick) I can stay up later than I normally would on a Thursday and hopefully I can get threw the twin babies birthday and New Year.


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