I played for around 6 1/2 hours today so quite a lot happened while I was playing.
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Norman |
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Princeton |
When I had sims before I never noticed that they gained satisfaction points while toddlers and children until Norman and Princeton aged up, they both had around 1800 points so I got them both the Acclimated to Heat and Cold and then I got Norman the Waterproof trait and Princeton the Mermaid Kelp which he ate and then the whole family (Taylor and all the children) except the triplets went to the beach for a swim and Princeton turned into a Merman with a golden tale.
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Rachel |
Rachel became an Angelic toddler which is nice because she doesn't go around making a mess on the floor, she is happy to sit with the nesting blocks, iPad or a toy from the toy box.
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Darion |
Darion became and Independent toddler which I was also happy about as this meant that I didn't have to worry about trying to potty train 3 toddlers as he can go by himself. He also likes to play with the toys in the toy box and the nesting blocks.
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Silas |
I am not sure if their purple skin is due to their dad's alien form being purple or if its because they are going to be aliens when they age up.
Taylor kept flirting and chatting with the scarecrow and got really high stats with him but he would only woohoo with her and they couldn't try for a baby but she was also chatting and flirting with Vladislaus Straud for a few days having him over or going to his place and they were able to try for a baby I am just waiting to find out if she is pregnant or not, I know that these babies will count towards the challenge but if its a girl then I cannot continue the challenge with her I will have to use Rachel (she is the youngest daughter right now).
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Zayne |
Mortimer Goth died :'( while playing and this made Zayne really sad for a few days but he managed to max his skills like all his older siblings have done so far and get the Top-Notch toddler trait, he also gained the Perfectionist trait and I gave him the Social Butterfly aspiration.
Norman and Princeton became young adults but they stayed in the house for a while while I had 4 toddlers to help out because it was difficult to try and potty train and cook meals for them all while doing some freelancing work.
Norman got the Glutton trait and because he played the violin a lot as a child and a teenager and hed the Musical Genius aspiration I put him into the Entertainer career and when I moved him out I moved him to San Myshuno.
Princeton got the Vegetarian trait, I kept him in the Life Guard career and I moved him into a lot on Sulani.
Taylor is almost ready to turn into an adult and Zayne is on a B so will be able to age up to a teen soon.
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