Thursday, 5 December 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 17

Liliana and Rhys were driving me insane with their constant needs being on low that I was very close to levelling them up as they were (Liliana had maxed her Potty, Movement and Imagination skills and had 4 in Communication and 3 in Thinking while Rhys had Maxed his Potty, Communication and Movement and had 4 in Imagination and Thinking) but with them being so close to maxing the other two I waited.

Liliana aged into a child with the Tone Deaf trait and I gave her the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration.

Rhys gained the Naturally Funny trait so I gave him the Class Clown aspiration.

Halle aged into a Young Adult with the Ambitious trait and I put her in the Actress career to match her aspiration.

Kimberley became a Young Adult with the Talkative trait so I put her in the United Nations career as I seem that it was a fit given her traits and I hadn't used it before.

Halle and Kimberley moved to Del Sol Valley to live out the rest of their lives to become famous.

Taylor managed to Woo the maid Masato Avon after days and days of social interactions and she is now in her second trimester. I was trying to wait until they were born before they logged but because I'm going to be out most of today I had an early night.

One thing I am hoping that EA/The Sims add in an update is that when a sim ages up they don't get sent toys, maybe a nice book or something more age related as when Halle and Kimberley aged into Young Adults I got some lovely cars and a princess which I sold as I have multiple of all of the toys from having multiple kids.

Anyway, no game play today, so no updates until Sunday (Saturday if I can fit in a few hours on Friday after College).


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