Saturday, 7 December 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 18


I managed to play for around an hour on Thursday and again on Friday so I decided to combine both days into one.

Taylor had twins, she had a son Clay and daughter Serenity. Since being born Clay has done nothing but cry. I feed him, he sleeps for 10 minutes then wants feeding then goes back to sleep and then wants his diaper changed then sleeps for a few minutes then he cries again because his social need has gone down meanwhile Serenity will only wake and cry once compared to the 5/6 times Clay cries.

I had to hire a new maid because I didn't realise that when you romance a maid they stop being your maid and since Clay and Serenity's dad was our old maid I've had to hire a new one.

Taylor has 56 days left until she is an elder and no longer our breeding sim so I am hoping to have at least one more pregnancy with her before she ages up.

Liliana became a teenager with the Cheerful trait and Freelance Botanist aspiration, I put her in the Camp Counsellor Career.

Rhys aged into a teenager with the Snob trait and I gave him the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration, I put him in the Lifeguard Career.

Clay and Serenity are a few days away from becoming toddlers and I cannot wait.

Dobby has 8 days until he ages into an elder, I think I may go to the vet clinic and buy an age down treat so that he lives longer and so that when I get Taylor pregnant again she won't be able to have triplets lol, having triplets once was bad enough.

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