Sunday, 29 December 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 23

Today I sent Taylor to the vets and bought some age down treats and wellness treats to keep Galaxy and Harley kittens for longer.

Taylor invited Max around to help celebrate their triplets birthday and while I was sorting the triplets out doing their homework and sending them to play together Taylor and Max thought it would be a good idea to WooHoo and she ended up getting pregnant and eventually gave birth to a Boy that I named Max after his dad. I am unsure of what the rules are about this as it wasn't intentional to have the baby but when she becomes an Elder he will probably still be a baby, maybe a toddler and I will wait until Charlotte become a Young Adult and then I will have Taylor marry Max Villareal and will move Taylor, Noah, Oliver and baby Max in with him. I won't be counting baby Max in the challenge as he was born by the same dad as the triplets.

I also had Taylor create a Book of Life so that I can bind it to Charlotte, I'm note entirely sure what this book does but I have it.

Noah aged into a Child with the Introvert trait and the Whiz Kid aspiration. I kept him with the blue colour theme he had going as a toddler and I gave him glasses as I want him to be a little nerdy.

Oliver became a Child with the Goofball trait and the Class Clown aspiration. I kept him with the Green colour scheme he had as a toddler I decided to give him the Class Clown aspiration when he rolled the Goofball trait as it seemed more fitting rather than the other traits available with the game.

Charlotte aged into a Child with the Naturally Artistic trait and the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration. Charlotte has a pink/yellow theme going on and I have been really working hard on her aspiration with her being the Child that I will be going on with as the next breeder.

Charlotte was baby 22 to Taylor so I am on 22/100.

Saturday, 28 December 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 22

I played this save file for hours today with me having a free day and not much happened. I checked the family tree and found out that some of Taylor's children have had babies making it up to 22 children, 17 grand children and 1 great grandchild

Dobby the House Dog
Dobby the House Dog died while playing today so I went into CAS and I downloaded two kittens from the gallery a male called Galaxy and a female named Harley (I renamed the female to Harley). I plan on having them becoming mates so that they will have babies and then when Charlotte is old enough to be the breeder (currently a toddler) I will have them have kittens and then I will them either put them up for adoption or just use the cheat to remove them from the household while keeping one of the kittens.
Clay aged into a young adult and gained the Sleeper trait, I now have the Life Decider mod so I used it on Clay and he joined the Business career, I gave him 25000 from the household funds as well as the money that the mod gave me and moved him to Windenberg.
Serenity aged into a young adult and gained the Cute trait, I used the mod on her and she joined the Tech Guru career. Serenity was close with Makenna while they were teens so I moved Makenna and her baby Lizzie into the Zeigler house (without any money) so that I could move them into a house together in Windenberg with Makenna's boyfriend and her babies dad.

Friday, 13 December 2019

No Game Play Tonight

I won't be playing the Sims tonight as I have a massive headache and I don't want it to affect my epilepsy. 


The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 21

I only play for around 3 hours total Tuesday and Wednesday and yesterday I didn't play at all as I was working on my assignment so here's what happened during Tuesday and Wednesday's game play.

I had Max and Taylor get engaged, Max still lives in his family home where I plan to have Taylor live once Charlotte becomes a Young Adult and is ready to take over the role of breeder.
Clay became a teenager with the Slob trait and Angling Ace aspiration, he joined the Barista Career.

Serenity became a teenager with the Child of the Island trait and Painter Extraordinaire aspiration, she joined the Book Store career.

Noah became an Inquisitive toddler.

Oliver aged into a toddler with the Silly trait.

Charlotte gained the Wild trait on aging into a toddler.

For some reason the layout is messing up and no matter what I do I cannot get the pictures to go as they normally do.


Tuesday, 10 December 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 20

Dobby became an Elder, he has 19 days left until he dies which means he will die before Taylor becomes an Elder as she has 38 days left of being a Young Adult.

Clay became a Child with the Angler trait and Whiz Kid aspiration.

Serenity became a Child with the Natural Musician trait and the Artistic Prodigy aspiration.

Bob Pancakes and his wife have died.

I checked the Ziegler family tree and Taylor has 22 children and 13 grandchildren.

Taylor and Max Villareal have had triplets two boys Noah and Oliver and one girl Charlotte.

I'm not going to have Taylor have anymore babies now so that means that Charlotte is our next heir and our future breeder.

I have work today so I might not get time to play today and defiantly wont have time tomorrow as I have work both days and tomorrow I am booked on a tutorial for my Uni course. If I do get time today it will probably only be long enough to have the triplets become toddlers and have the twins become teenagers (they have their A's in school already I'm just waiting a little bit to age them up).


Monday, 9 December 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 19

I decided NOT to age down Dobby so that means he will die some day. I also decided not to move him out with Liliana or Rhys I want him to stay with Taylor. (I was going to move him out with Sabrina but changed my mind).

When I turned off the game last night his age bar was sparkling and when I checked MCCC it said he was still an adult and was on 71 of 70 days.

Clay became an Independent toddler and looked a little angry.

Serenity became an Inquisitive toddler, she originally aged up with blue hair but brown eye brows so when I edited their outfits I changed her hair back to brown to match both parents and her brother.

Liliana aged into a Young Adult with the Jealous trait and she joined the Gardening career. I moved her out into her own 20 x 15 place in Newcrest then gave her $30,000 from her dad's house hold.

Rhys became a Young Adult with the Unflirty trait and he joined the Business career. I moved Rhys in with his dad in Oasis Springs.

Taylor has been chatty with Max Villareal and I manged to get their relationship up to boyfriend and girlfriend and I want their relationship to grow some more while Clay and Serenity level up their skills and once they become children I plan on having Taylor get pregnant by Max and eventually when she becomes an Elder (in 43 days) I'm going to have them get married and move out of the house.

Saturday, 7 December 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 18


I managed to play for around an hour on Thursday and again on Friday so I decided to combine both days into one.

Taylor had twins, she had a son Clay and daughter Serenity. Since being born Clay has done nothing but cry. I feed him, he sleeps for 10 minutes then wants feeding then goes back to sleep and then wants his diaper changed then sleeps for a few minutes then he cries again because his social need has gone down meanwhile Serenity will only wake and cry once compared to the 5/6 times Clay cries.

I had to hire a new maid because I didn't realise that when you romance a maid they stop being your maid and since Clay and Serenity's dad was our old maid I've had to hire a new one.

Taylor has 56 days left until she is an elder and no longer our breeding sim so I am hoping to have at least one more pregnancy with her before she ages up.

Liliana became a teenager with the Cheerful trait and Freelance Botanist aspiration, I put her in the Camp Counsellor Career.

Rhys aged into a teenager with the Snob trait and I gave him the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration, I put him in the Lifeguard Career.

Clay and Serenity are a few days away from becoming toddlers and I cannot wait.

Dobby has 8 days until he ages into an elder, I think I may go to the vet clinic and buy an age down treat so that he lives longer and so that when I get Taylor pregnant again she won't be able to have triplets lol, having triplets once was bad enough.

Thursday, 5 December 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 17

Liliana and Rhys were driving me insane with their constant needs being on low that I was very close to levelling them up as they were (Liliana had maxed her Potty, Movement and Imagination skills and had 4 in Communication and 3 in Thinking while Rhys had Maxed his Potty, Communication and Movement and had 4 in Imagination and Thinking) but with them being so close to maxing the other two I waited.

Liliana aged into a child with the Tone Deaf trait and I gave her the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration.

Rhys gained the Naturally Funny trait so I gave him the Class Clown aspiration.

Halle aged into a Young Adult with the Ambitious trait and I put her in the Actress career to match her aspiration.

Kimberley became a Young Adult with the Talkative trait so I put her in the United Nations career as I seem that it was a fit given her traits and I hadn't used it before.

Halle and Kimberley moved to Del Sol Valley to live out the rest of their lives to become famous.

Taylor managed to Woo the maid Masato Avon after days and days of social interactions and she is now in her second trimester. I was trying to wait until they were born before they logged but because I'm going to be out most of today I had an early night.

One thing I am hoping that EA/The Sims add in an update is that when a sim ages up they don't get sent toys, maybe a nice book or something more age related as when Halle and Kimberley aged into Young Adults I got some lovely cars and a princess which I sold as I have multiple of all of the toys from having multiple kids.

Anyway, no game play today, so no updates until Sunday (Saturday if I can fit in a few hours on Friday after College).


Wednesday, 4 December 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 16

Firstly I did not get as much time to play as I had hoped but the time I did get I got a fair amount done.

Sabrina became a Young Adult with the Introvert trait. I had her join the Secret Agent career with her aspiration being Chief of Mean as it is the only career that really relates to being evil. My plan was to also find her a husband so that Taylor could complete her aspiration but she was always tense due to lack of fun while at work so I had her mainly relaxing so her fun went up so she didn't really meet anyone.

Sabrina and Yuki's Wedding
After work one day I sent her to take Dobby for a walk and on the walk she met Yuki Behr and because her social was low I had her stop and talk to Yuki and after a few minutes they were super friendly so I decided to try a romantic interaction and they neither liked or disliked it so I had them both chatting for a while and then over the next 3 or 4 days I had Sabrina call Yuki after work and then Yuki called and asked if Sabrina wanted to go on a date which I said yes to.

Sabrina and Yuki are now Married
After the date I took them back to Yuki's house and they chatted and flirted and without any prompt from me they went and WooHoo'd so I decided to have them get married and after they got married I moved Sabrina in with Yuki.

I had the wedding in the Park and took a few pictures and these were the best ones.

Other than the wedding Halle and Kimberley got A's in school, I've not aged them up yet as I want to have an age gap between them and Sabrina plus they help out at home with the twins and Dobby.

Taylor might have found a new baby daddy, she has been chatting up the maid so fingers crossed that I can get them all loved up and having babies together in today's game play time.

Liliana and Rhys have done nothing but cry all day as for some reason they can go to bed at around 7pm and wake up at 5am and by 8am their energy is low again and they need a nap at 1pm. I am starting to think about just aging them up once they reach level 3 in all skills (as the rules state you can).

I will be able to play for a significant amount of time today but I won't be able to play again until Friday night maybe no even until Saturday but whatever happens in today's time I will schedule a post for tomorrow.


Tuesday, 3 December 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 15

Halle aged into a teenager, her random trait was Imaginative so I gave her the Master Actress aspiration. I put her in a the Movie Theatre career because its a weekend career and because I thought she should start off working where her movies will be played when she's a famous actress lol. I put her in pink again to make her a girly girl.

Kimberley rolled the Mischievous trait up on becoming a teenager and I gave her the Friend of the World aspiration and I had her join the Grocery Store Bagger career. I changed her from her Goth/Black clothes into some colourful ones as she's going to want to be friends for her aspiration and traits.

When they became teenagers their school performance was a B and almost maxed to get an A, to get an A they need to go to school probably for one day and gain a skill to level 3.

I only played for three or four hours today so not much happened, Liliana and Rhys gained a few skills (they are potty trained yeyey) and were still annoying as I couldn't keep their attention up. Sabrina did a few days at work and gained a few skills, I just need to get her a skill to level 3 so that she can get an A in school so I can get her married and move her out so I can get Taylor pregnant again.

Taylor has been able to max out her Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Gardening and Writing skills, I've never had a sim max this many skills as I never normally play for this long, I've managed to play all through a whole season, it's now a few days into Spring again (I started in Spring).

I couldn't keep the toddlers needs up. I think something is wrong with my game as when I load it in most of their needs are on red because of this Taylor is getting stressed more because she is having to try and keep them happy and then she's not sleeping or her fun is going down. I am trying to gain more aspiration points on her so that I can get the rewards so she doesn't need to use the bathroom and eat, this will make ir so much easier to have babies and look after them.

I'm off to play some more and hopefully I can age everyone up and move Sabrina, Halle and Kimberley out, Liliana and Rhys will hopefully become less of a problem and I can get Taylor pregnant again.


Monday, 2 December 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 14

There were a lot of aging up in today's game play - thank Heavens - I was starting to lose the plot.

Halle and Kimberley maxed their toddler skills so I ages them up because everyone in the household was very stressed and tired. I thought having two less sims that needed my constant control would be great and make my life a little easier.

Halle became a Top Notch toddler and I gave her the Art Prodigy aspiration as her randomised trait was Creative.

Kimberly also became a Top Notch toddler, she gained the Insider trait and the Social Butterfly aspiration.

I thought that I would dress Halle all in pink so she could be a girly girl and Kimberley in Black to be a Tom Boy/Goth type but now I realise I probable should have done it the other way round with Kimberley's aspiration being a Social one.

Sabrina aged into a teen, I was going to leave her to age up on her natural birthday but I was getting super stressed having to cook, write and not having any sleep while I had three Children, two Babies and Dobby to keep happy as well as Taylor so I aged her up with only 6/7 days before she would have ages up automatically anyway but she was on an A in school and I really wanted an extra hand with the cooking and dog walking so I could have Taylor focus on the Babies and her Writing so that they could pay the bills.

Sabrina aged into a teen with the Dancer trait and because she's a Klepto I gave her the Chief of Mean aspiration. She loves playing with Dobby I think their friendship is higher than anyone else's in the household since I've had him that I gave her the Pet Sitter Part-Time job, its a weekend job which means she can do her homework when she gets home from school and then hang out with her siblings making Snow pals or playing video games.

Liliana and Rhys aged up unexpectedly just before I logged out of the game, I had gone to get a drink and come back to having two toddlers.

Liliana gained the Clingy trait.

Rhys aged into a Creative toddler.

I am so glad that I do not have any babies to look after at the minute, I think Taylor deserves a break after having 17 children and it means she can help out Liliana and Rhys more as well as working on her Freelance Career and writing books.

Taylor had about 75 more days left before she becomes an Elder so I will leave her for a few more days before I start to romance with another victim, I am hoping to get 3 more babies by Taylor to bring her count to 20.

Sabrina is already on an A in school just like Halle and Kimberley but I am just leaving them to get on with life for a while as I want them to make loads of friends and eventually have one of them marry someone so that Taylor can complete her next part of her aspiration seeing as Rose getting married did not count for some reason.

I have a busy day today I will try and get some game play in today but if not I have a whole day free tomorrow and will make up for it then.

Until next time HAPPY SIMMING

Sunday, 1 December 2019

I'm Back Playing

So I stopped playing for a while and when I did start playing again a few weeks ago I only started playing for fun and not my challenges but today I am going to head back to the 100 Babies Challenge.

I do have plans on starting a YouTube Let's Play Sims 4 after Christmas (there is currently a Christmas Tree on my PC table) but I need to figure out how to edit videos so for now you will just have to have pictures.

I have decided to delete my Rags to Ritches challenge and start over once the 100 Babies Challenge is done and I am planning on doing the challenge as one of my YouTube videos instead of blogging it.

I also have plans for doing this 100 Babies challenge again, (well twice more) one with a male starter sim to impregnate as many women as possible to get the 100 babies and one with a different female starter than I have now, but with the Slice of Life and Life Stories mods both of which I currently use but have just removed from my game so I can continue my challenge without it as I only added the mods a few weeks ago.


Wednesday, 25 September 2019

A New 100 Babies Challenge Idea

So I stopped playing the 100 babies challenge for a few days as I was getting a little bored of the same family so I just played a random family on a new save.

This morning I decided that once I have finished this 100 babies challenge I will do it again but with a male Sim and get him to have 100 babies with different female Sims.

I read about using a male sim instead online somewhere a while back and thought it would be fun but decided I wasn't going to try it but after playing with a female and having to look after the babies through to young adult I thought that doing it with the male Sim would be a lot easier as he wouldn't have to look after the babies.

Sunday, 22 September 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 13

Edward became a Young Adult with the Romantic trait and he joined the Criminal career, I moved him into Norman's apartment.

Alice became a Young Adult with the Light Eater trait and she joined the Tarot Reader career, I moved her into her fathers house in Forgotten Hollow.

I aged the twins up as soon as they got As in schools where I would normally wait a while so they could bring in some money from their teen careers but I couldn't be doing with Alice's Vampire needs any longer, her thirst was constantly going down and no one would let me drink from them and she hardly ever managed to pull off the 'compel to drink' option.

Halle aged into a Charmer toddler.

Kimberley aged into a Creative toddler.

Taylor gave birth to twins on Christmas Eve, she had a girl Liliana and a boy Rhys (When I randomised it, it was Reece but I changed it to the Welsh way of spelling it).

We finally celebrated Christmas, I did invite all Taylor's children, their partners and her grandchildren but I forgot to take a picture while they were opening gifts so after they all left I took this picture of Taylor, Sabrina, Halle, Kimberley and Dobby. It took me ages to get them all to stand next to the tree, facing the right way and in the end I just took this picture with Taylor facing the wrong way.

Left to right: Kimberley, Halle, Dobby, Sabrina and Taylor

Friday, 20 September 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge

So yesterday my laptop did an update and took almost 3 hours, it came back on long enough to post the yesterdays blog post before I had to go to the doctor's and then I went for a walk to play some Pokemon Go. When I got back from the doctor's and my walk I made something to eat and downloaded some pixie cut hairstyles for Alice before loading the game.

All I've did yesterday was put this hairstyle on Alice and give Taylor some medicine before I saved and exited because I just couldn't be bothered to play anything.

I am off now to play some as I have no college today and hopefully I can finally celebrate my first Christmas in the sims (I almost always start my season in Spring and hardly ever make it to the end of Summer before deleting the family)


Thursday, 19 September 2019

The Sims 4 - The 100 Babies Challenge: Day 12

During yesterdays game play we had a lot of birthdays.

Edward aged up into a child with the Uncreative trait and the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration. I gave him a hair cut from the Vampire pack.

Alice aged up into a child with the Natural Gamer trait and the Artistic Prodigy aspiration. I kept the short pixie type haircut.

It was 'Night on the Town' day so while Edward and Alice were at school I sent Taylor off of a meal with some of her kids.

Sabrina aged into an Independent toddler. I thought that this hairstyle was cute and suited her and I hadn't used it on any of my sims ever before. Sabrina also aged up in this outfit and I liked it so I left her in it but changed her shoes.

Edward became a teen with the Tone Deaf trait, and Chief of Mischief aspiration and joined the Bookstore Clerk career. I kept him with the Vampire pack hairstyle.

Alice became a teen with the Foodie trait (slightly weird for a Vampire) and I gave her the Vampire Family aspiration with her being a full on wants to drink your blood Vampire now and she joined the Mausoleum Clerk career (I thought it was fitting). I gave her a Vampire pack hairstyle
but I'm thinking of changing it back to the pixie cut style. Alice had this outfit when she aged up and like with Sabrina I kept it but just changed the shoes as I actually liked it.

I am finding it hard to keep Alice's thirst up as its Winter and I can't seem to find any frogs to make plasma packs and I don't want her to bite her siblings or mother, I did have her bite Patchy once and the maid but the maid is useless so if he turns he kinda deserved it lol.

Sabrina became a child with the Kleptomaniac trait and the Social Butterfly aspiration.

Christmas is coming up in my game which means I will probably be celebrating it in today's game play. I plan on inviting all my children and their partners and kids around to celebrate,  so I will try and remember to take some picture's of my family celebrating Christmas.

I've been trying for aged to get Taylor pregnant by Patchy the Scarecrow, their friendly and romance bars are maxed, I've only been able to 'WooHoo' with him and not 'Try for a Baby' so I googled 'Can you have a baby with Patchy?' the results told me that I had to add him to the family which was something I had planned to do once Sabrina aged into a toddler maybe a child but one night Patchy came to life and Taylor and him WooHoo'd and she got pregnant by him, this pregnancy ended up being with twin girls who are called Halle and Kimberley. These two babies are going to miss out on Christmas Day but will be around to celebrate New Year with the family.

I'm off to celebrate Christmas with my sims and because I don't have to go college tomorrow (my tutor is sick) I can stay up later than I normally would on a Thursday and hopefully I can get threw the twin babies birthday and New Year.